Building Regulated Families
Building Regulated Families is our introductory, on-demand course that will help you begin to bring significant changes into your family. In this course, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Kelly LaPorta, will help you understand the WHY behind your child’s behaviors (using neuroscience and attachment as the guide) and give you practical tools to start changing your family TODAY and navigating those problematic behaviors.
After you complete this 90-minute course, you will begin to understand your child (and yourself!) in an entirely NEW way that will completely transform your family and your relationship with your kids. You will have tools to help you navigate difficult situations (and those BIG emotions) in a way that will build resilience in your child without emotionally damaging them.
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What's included?
- Interactive & media-rich lessons.
- 18 videos unpacking how to create healthy relationships with your child from a nervous system informed lens.
- Distilled and simplified research from the top researchers on child development and Nervous System Regulation (Including research findings from Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Hans Seyle, John Bowlby & Mary Ainsworth).
- Reflection Questions to help support your personal growth as a parent.
- Life access to course.
- 4 Printable Resources (PDF's).

Reviews for
Building Regulated Families
"This is a must have curriculum for any parent looking to improve their child's behavior while building a strong bond of connection with them at the same time. Kelly teaches not only what parents can do to raise healthy and responsible kids, but also why kids "misbehave" and how to see their misbehavior as a symptom of stress and not an act of rebellion."
Charlie Ruce, LMFT
Charlie Ruce Coaching & Counseling
Charlie Ruce Coaching & Counseling
"'Building Regulated Families' is an important course for parents, grandparents, and really anyone who spends time tending to the developmental needs of children. Kelly beautifully unpacks the inner-life of children and caregivers alike, re-framing behavior with grace and intentionality."
"Building Regulated Families was very user friendly. It was easy to navigate while I had Delilah clinging to my leg asking what I was doing. I enjoyed how informative Kelly was... very upbeat and engaging. I would definitely recommend this!"
How Will Each Lesson
Help Me?
Lesson One: Why A Nervous System Informed Approach to Parenting?
A case for using a brain/body approach to raising children. Learn why current parenting protocols are failing kids and how a Nervous System approach will give you more flexibility, creativity, and regulation in your parenting and at home.
Lesson Two: The “Why” Behind Your Child’s Behavior
Gain a deeper understanding of your child’s difficult and frustrating behaviors through a lens of neuroscience and compassion. Learn more about your child’s stress response and how this biological process is responsible for many problem behaviors at home.
Lesson Three: Using Attachment Theory and Neuroscience as Our Guide
Get clarity on your child’s 2 most important biological needs: Attachment and Safety. Become an expert in recognizing your child’s nervous system state at any given moment (according to Polyvagal Theory) and use this knowledge to inform your parenting choices.
Lesson Four: Cultivating Emotional Safety
Learn the ingredients to becoming an emotionally safe parent (your GREATEST parenting tool.) Get clarity on what YOU might (as a parent) to show up with more presence and regulation.
Lesson Five: Navigating Difficult Behaviors
Learn the 4 MOST IMPORTANT questions to ask yourself before addressing problem behaviors. Use this knowledge to guide you in your parenting choices.
Lesson Six: Parenting Strategies
Use your new-found knowledge to start parenting, disciplining and teaching your kid in a way that honors their developing brain and nervous system. Gain practical skills, tools, and knowledge to use to support your child.