
The Losing Sh!t / Mom-Guilt Bundle

Two things that seem to go hand-in-hand when it comes to parenting are "losing our cool" and then feeling guilty about it shortly there afterwards! And while this a totally normal experience, so many of us deeply desire to repair our own internal monologues and then change moving forward. With that in mind, these two courses just seemed like a perfect pairing when it comes to losing your sh!t and dealing with the guilt in the aftermath. We hope together these help you as much as they have helped us and the parents we work with.
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From Losing Your Sh!t to Dealing with Guilt

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How to Stop Losing Your Sh!t...
(So Your Kid Can Stop Losing Theirs)

Before we dive in, I want you to know that you are not alone. There are so many obstacles that can make it feel nearly impossible to stay calm and composed all the time as parents. Kids have BIG needs and BIG emotions, and as parents, we ALSO have our own significant needs and emotions to manage. Juggling all of these needs and emotions can feel like a full-time job! And let's not forget about the other areas of life constantly competing for our attention: job responsibilities, our relationships, household tasks, and the myriad of thoughts constantly running through our minds. It's no wonder parents feel overwhelmed all the time. It's a lot to handle.
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Stopping the Spiral:
Combatting Mom Guilt

This course is about empowering moms - exploring the essential tools to break free from the cycles of negative thoughts that often cloud our daily lives.

We begin this course exploring the struggles many of us face, shedding light on the profound impact of self-doubt and guilt on our emotions and behaviors. We delve into the concept of core beliefs, helping us trace their origins to childhood and how they continue to shape our lives, particularly in the realm of parenting. 
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